
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Nelson Mandela

The above photo was taken in June 2012 on a camping trip near Toronto, Canada

Scientific Computing Using Scilab

After teaching an undergraduate laboratory course, I got some time to publish my first book before the start of the next semester. The book is titled “Scientific Computing Using Scilab” and is available on Amazon.

Reconfigurable Antennas

Note: This article originally appeared in ASET NEWS, April 2021. Antennas, commonly found in mobile devices, satellites, cellular towers, radio stations and smart devices, are fundamental components of a wireless communication system. These operate by converting the alternating voltages and currents in their feeding network (such as transmission lines or co-axial cables) to electromagnetic waves…

IEEE Student Branch of ASET – 2020 Review

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. It has over 419,000 members in over 160 countries. The students of our Institution too have an opportunity to join this technical community and become members of the IEEE Student Branch (SB) of Ahalia School of Engineering and…


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